
The Importance of Reliable Power Solutions

Everything a data center does relies on access to a steady power supply. Unfortunately, a single connection to the local electric grid may not be adequate to power this vital, yet sensitive technology. The voltages provided by your utility company can vary widely — too much voltage can lead to hardware damage and data loss, […]


How and Why to Convert Your Data to a Newer Format

Data can be stored in a several different proprietary and non-proprietary formats. For the everyday user, the specific data format may not be a concern. But people who manage data centers constantly encounter questions about format. Data center operators need to consider whether their data is in a usable format — and if it’s not, […]

What is Environmental Monitoring?

What is Environmental Monitoring?

Data center equipment relies on high environmental standards for stellar performance and energy-efficient operations. While your business’s technology includes many nonphysical components, the physical settings of your computer rooms and other IT areas need to be at ideal operating conditions for equipment to function properly. Environmental monitoring is the process of making sure a tech […]


DataSpan is exhibiting at the 2019 IAAPA Attractions Expo

We’re very excited to again be at the IAAPA Expo in Orlando, November 18th – 22nd. Stop by our Booth #3204 to meet our team and chat with our Motorola radio communications experts. Our focus this year are our new digital radios as well as the new TLK100 nationwide radio. Don’t forget to ask about […]


The Dangers of a Dirty Data Center

It’s an unfortunate fact that data centers collect significant amounts of dirt. Dirt particles are carried in on the shoes and clothing of personnel or through ventilation systems, and contamination may accelerate due to nearby construction sites or natural disasters. Over time, dirt particles can collect on hardware, walls, floors, subfloors and the ceiling. A […]


Disaster Recovery Storage Solutions

Businesses across the world are at risk of disruption by various natural and human-made disasters. From earthquakes and hurricanes to power outages and security threats, disasters can lead to server downtime and impact your team’s ability to do business. Downtime at data centers can also be costly, equating to hundreds of thousands of dollars lost […]


Don’t forget your UPS on your back-to-school checklist

ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR? HAVE YOU GONE THROUGH YOUR BACK TO SCHOOL IT CHECKLIST? Don’t forget the Network UPS Units.   ✔ INSPECT YOUR UPS DISPLAY FOR RED LIGHTS Indicating a possible battery failure or UPS fault. ✔ CHECK THE AGE OF YOUR BATTERIES If they’re more than 3 years old, […]


Data Center Power Requirements

In this competitive business landscape, quite a lot rides on uninterrupted access to data. That’s why reliability is a key concept of all data center operations. It’s also why knowing how to calculate power requirements of data centers — whether they’re standalone entities or part of a larger facility — is critical to forming a […]


While you are enjoying the summer your UPS is not…

WITH RECORD SETTING TEMPERATURES AND STORMS ACROSS THE COUNTRY IN 2019, LET’S MAKE SURE YOU ARE PREPARED. #1 INSPECT YOUR UPS DISPLAY FOR RED LIGHTS Indicating a possible battery failure or UPS fault.   #2 CHECK THE AGE OF YOUR BATTERIES If they’re more than 3 years old, consider a proactive replacement.   #3 CHECK […]


Benefits of a Rack Mounted Server

What is a rack server used for? The answer has less to do with aesthetics and much more to do with your server’s performance than you may realize. The most important components of the majority of IT infrastructures are the servers that allow users to create, share and access data through networked systems. However, it’s […]