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Case Study: Leading Healthcare Co.

Our client, a healthcare provider with branches in multiple locations across the country, wanted consistency in technology services, as the lack of it was affecting their bottom-line and service standards.

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July 8, 2024 What Are Co-Location Data Centers?

A recent global market report projects the colocation market will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 14.9% over the next few years. Experts predict the market will be worth $124.15 billion by 2028 —  a staggering increase from 2023, when it was worth $62.46 billion. Understanding how colocation works and its benefits reveals why it […]

June 24, 2024 Tips For A Successful Data Center Relocation

3 Tips for a Successful Data Center Relocation Whether you’re transporting servers between rooms or moving your company to a new state, relocating your data center is a big move. Relocation can help you reorganize your IT assets, enhance your security measures and shrink your operational expenses. Knowing where to start with a relocation is a […]

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