
Data Center Services

Empowered to solve your business challenges by delivering customized technology solutions.

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Flexible Data Center Solutions

We ensure that installing, setting up and maintaining your data center is simple and cost-effective, while providing the excellent customer service you’ve come to expect from DataSpan.

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Connect With Our Network Services

You can’t afford interruptions to your network, and you need to know exactly how to handle any problems that arise. Our team of professionals and extensive product suite offer the flexibility and cutting-edge solutions you need to keep everything running smoothly.

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Invest In Our Storage

When it comes to storing your critical data and most sensitive files, you cannot afford to take risks. That’s where DataSpan’s trustworthy, reliable data storage solutions and services come in.

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Managing Your Cloud & Co-Location

Cloud computing and co-location can provide affordable, efficient alternatives to your existing systems, and DataSpan has the expertise and technology to help you make the switch.

Visit Our Cloud & Co-Location Page

Knowledge Base/Resources

We strive to empower you with the knowledge, expertise, and in-depth case studies you need to find the right data solutions for your company. Plus, with our vendor agnostic approach to data center solutions, our resources speak directly to your needs instead of promoting any cookie cutter fix posing as a custom fit.

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From the Blog

5 Myths of Data Center Hardware Maintenance

There are many assumptions about how third-party maintenance (TPM) and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) support differ. Explore the common myths about TPMs and learn how data centers can optimize your budget and extend equipment life, all without sacrificing performance. Myth # 1: Microcode Updates Are Vital to Your Hardware Performance While the goal of microcode updates is to enhance stability, many businesses don’t necessarily rush to execute every microcode update. After […]

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