The importance of Layer 1 Infrastructure

April 15, 2020

Layer 1 infrastructure is made up of cables, antennas, pins, hubs, repeaters, network adapters, voltages, host bus adapters and other physical and hardware necessities, and it provides a means of transport for raw data. As a result, it’s often the first thing networking professionals check when troubleshooting issues — data cannot proceed through the other OSI layers if a cable is disconnected or a plug is pulled.

The first layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model makes all transmission of digital data between networks possible. But despite the physical layer’s fundamental role, the importance of quality layer 1 infrastructure is easy to underestimate. Let’s take a closer look at why it’s so important to have the right layer 1 technologies.

Reliable Connectivity

Layer 1 infrastructure plays a key role in connectivity. Today, businesses around the world rely on almost constant access to digital information. Without layer 1 devices capable of functioning consistently, information is stopped in its tracks, interrupting operations and frustrating both internal and external users. To preserve profitability and keep uptime as close to 100% as possible, you need strong physical infrastructure.

Layer 1 security also impacts connectivity. Because cables carry vast amounts of data, they make attractive targets when an attacker’s goal is to intercept company information or disrupt service by causing extended downtime. As a result, it’s important to take physical cybersecurity threats as seriously as traditional ones.

With the right layer 1 devices and security measures, you can ensure reliable connectivity and keep stakeholders happy.

Unique Requirements

Layer 1 infrastructure is also important because it defines how much data your organization can handle and how quickly it gets where it’s going. The type of cabling you use, for example, will impact both speed and bandwidth. And how you configure layer 1 devices will determine how easily you can locate individual connections, move them and manage them.

Every business has unique requirements and goals that the right layer 1 infrastructure can help fulfill. Some data centers may need 100 Gigabit Ethernet to boost speed and minimize space and power usage, while other companies may stick with more modest layer 1 devices and invest resources elsewhere. Physical layer standards vary from company to company, which is why it’s vital to find solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Quality Infrastructure

Consider the quality of your level 1 infrastructure — the technologies and devices your company uses today will impact the organization’s ability to grow in the future. As you replace network components with the latest equipment, physical infrastructure must also improve to keep up. Choosing the right infrastructure means choosing devices that allow you to scale quickly and easily.

Ultimately, cutting-edge physical infrastructure helps ensure your company’s long-term success and competitive advantage.

Reach out to DataSpan Today

Level 1 infrastructure impacts operational efficiency and profitability at all levels of your data center or organization. At DataSpan, we believe you deserve IT physical infrastructure that meets your unique needs, whether that’s reliable and scalable structured cabling or something else.

With 50 years of experience, we can provide a variety of services to support small and large enterprises, including layer 1 data center assessment, infrastructure design and installation. To learn more, find a local representative or reach out to us today.