What Are Co-Location Data Centers?

A recent global market report projects the colocation market will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 14.9% over the next few years. Experts predict the market will be worth $124.15 billion by 2028 —  a staggering increase from 2023, when it was worth $62.46 billion. Understanding how colocation works and its benefits reveals why it […]


How to Conduct An IT Asset Audit

As the IT infrastructure of the typical company has grown, so has the need for regular information system audits. These audits examine whether an organization’s IT controls protect company assets, ensure information accuracy and further the company’s business goals adequately and efficiently. For data centers, these audit processes are even more essential to operations. An […]


Everything You Need To Know About IT Asset Disposition (ITAD)

Business operations demand regular replacements for IT assets, but ever-increasing concerns for environmental sustainability, compliance and data security make it difficult to get rid of old assets responsibly. IT asset disposition (ITAD) services address these demands. It allows organizations to offload old IT items without creating dangerous electronic waste (e-waste) or putting data at risk. […]


How Often Should a Clean Room Be Cleaned?

Clean rooms are a vital component of many tech and research industries. These secure environments are designed to protect raw, private data from contaminants and debris. Clean rooms can also help you control environmental factors that could impact your business operations, such as pressure, temperature, humidity and flow rate. Microbes and air particles accumulate over […]


Tips for Data Center Airflow Management

Data center airflow management operates on a simple premise: IT equipment must only take in cool air and CRAC return plenums must only take in warm air. Under no circumstances should there be a mixing of cold air and return air. That’s it. Yet, many data centers struggle to facilitate this dynamic at a high cost to their […]


What Is A Modular Data Center?

The information technology (IT) world is constantly evolving and reaching new heights, and data centers are no exception. Data centers were once on-premise, centralized facilities that housed all the physical and digital data infrastructure. Now, with the influx of portable, self-contained modular data centers, organizations can have greater flexibility and scalability when it comes to […]


How to Plan Your Data Center Deployment

As your organization grows, you need to evaluate and adjust your investment in data center equipment. Whether you have an existing multi-center network or are just beginning with a local center, you have to consider many different factors. Deploying a modern data center requires carefully managing multiple hardware and software systems to ensure they fit […]


7 Tips for Choosing Data Center Power Cords

Data centers are a hub of connections vital to the success of your business. Choosing proper power cords makes a significant difference in your data center’s installation, management and functionality. Tangled cables look messy and unorganized, making resolving issues a time-consuming task. Additionally, your power cords can affect how your equipment operates. Because the power […]


Finding the Best Server Rack for Your Data Center Equipment

Server racks are an incredibly important part of a data center. However, they are not a one-size-fits-all piece of equipment. Understanding server rack components involves details that will ultimately provide your data center with better organization, amongst other benefits. To the untrained eye, server racks may seem like nothing more than a filing cabinet or […]