How Can Flooring Impact a Data Center’s Efficiency?

Anyone with experience in the data center space knows good design involves more than choosing the right equipment and arranging hot and cold aisles. The flooring you choose to install is a crucial component for a comprehensive design that maximizes efficiency and functionality from all parts of the server room. If you’re looking to install […]


5 Myths of Data Center Hardware Maintenance

There are many assumptions about how third-party maintenance (TPM) and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) support differ. Explore the common myths about TPMs and learn how data centers can optimize your budget and extend equipment life, all without sacrificing performance. Myth # 1: Microcode Updates Are Vital to Your Hardware Performance While the goal of microcode updates is to enhance stability, many businesses don’t necessarily rush to execute every microcode update. After […]

Data center storage machine

What Are the Different Data Center Storage Solutions?

Enterprises of all types rely on data storage technologies to meet compliance requirements, run applications, backup valuable business data and store large media files such as video. Depending on your organization’s size, budget and goals, you’ll find a number of different data storage methods to choose from. To help you decide, here is a brief […]


LED Lighting in Data Centers

Data centers generate vast amounts of carbon and heat during day-to-day operations. As a professional in the data industry, you know proper lighting is crucial for your facility’s safety, efficiency and operating costs. Daily operations rely on adequate lighting and meeting specific requirements to complete vital tasks. However, choosing the right lighting source can increase your […]


Establishing an Optimized Network With Switches and Routers

According to Uptime’s Data Center Resiliency Survey, network issues were the top reason for downtime in 2022. The complex landscape of cloud-based applications and software-defined architectures makes it more important than ever to have a network that can keep pace with your operations. DataSpan is one of the largest distributors of data storage products and services in […]


Data Center Operations Efficiency

Undoubtedly, many of today’s working data centers are a far cry from the stock images of perfectly clean rows of racks filled with immaculate servers and neatly wound cabling. Since real data centers are constantly under pressure to do more with less, setting cleaning standards and establishing best practices to maintain operational efficiency are too often forgotten in the rush to meet […]


What Are Co-Location Data Centers?

A recent global market report projects the colocation market will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 14.9% over the next few years. Experts predict the market will be worth $124.15 billion by 2028 —  a staggering increase from 2023, when it was worth $62.46 billion. Understanding how colocation works and its benefits reveals why it […]


How to Conduct An IT Asset Audit

As the IT infrastructure of the typical company has grown, so has the need for regular information system audits. These audits examine whether an organization’s IT controls protect company assets, ensure information accuracy and further the company’s business goals adequately and efficiently. For data centers, these audit processes are even more essential to operations. An […]


Everything You Need To Know About IT Asset Disposition (ITAD)

Business operations demand regular replacements for IT assets, but ever-increasing concerns for environmental sustainability, compliance and data security make it difficult to get rid of old assets responsibly. IT asset disposition (ITAD) services address these demands. It allows organizations to offload old IT items without creating dangerous electronic waste (e-waste) or putting data at risk. […]