Undoubtedly, many of today’s working data centers are a far cry from the stock images of perfectly clean rows of racks filled with immaculate servers and neatly wound cabling. Since real data centers are constantly under pressure to do more with less, setting cleaning standards and establishing best practices to maintain operational efficiency are too often forgotten in the rush to meet […]
A recent global market report projects the colocation market will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 14.9% over the next few years. Experts predict the market will be worth $124.15 billion by 2028 — a staggering increase from 2023, when it was worth $62.46 billion. Understanding how colocation works and its benefits reveals why it […]
3 Tips for a Successful Data Center Relocation Whether you’re transporting servers between rooms or moving your company to a new state, relocating your data center is a big move. Relocation can help you reorganize your IT assets, enhance your security measures and shrink your operational expenses. Knowing where to start with a relocation is a […]
How to Develop a System Security Plan: Everything You Need to Know Although network security planning can be complex depending on infrastructure and organizational goals, it’s an essential task for every business. For most organizations, developing a security plan is a smart way to protect business assets and keep the network up and running consistently. Learn how to develop a […]
As the IT infrastructure of the typical company has grown, so has the need for regular information system audits. These audits examine whether an organization’s IT controls protect company assets, ensure information accuracy and further the company’s business goals adequately and efficiently. For data centers, these audit processes are even more essential to operations. An […]
Business operations demand regular replacements for IT assets, but ever-increasing concerns for environmental sustainability, compliance and data security make it difficult to get rid of old assets responsibly. IT asset disposition (ITAD) services address these demands. It allows organizations to offload old IT items without creating dangerous electronic waste (e-waste) or putting data at risk. […]
As the artificial intelligence (AI) industry grows by leaps and bounds, how we manage and configure data centers is changing. Traditional models often struggle to meet the unique computing challenges of AI, including extensive heat generation and power consumption. Moving forward, building and configuring data centers to address the needs of AI will be a […]
Data centers are among any company’s most important resources, so this infrastructure must run uninterrupted on the latest technology. That’s why every business should practice effective data center management. What Is Data Center Management? Data center management involves overseeing the computing, storage and networking components. Essentially, its goal is to preserve uptime and increase utilization […]
With thousands of connections and extensive requirements for uptime and maintenance, data centers demand highly organized cables. Structured cabling is crucial for well-managed, efficient and reliable data center operations. Explore this guide to structured cabling in data centers for more information on implementing a dependable solution in your facility. What Is Data Center Cabling? Data […]
Technology is constantly improving, and so does the amount of data it produces. As applications become more data-intensive, they need more support from computing resources. High-density racks increase the computing power you can yield in a smaller space, which is becoming increasingly essential for accommodating our growing computing requirements. However, safely installing this equipment is […]