Modern technology runs on electricity, and the computers and data centers at the core of daily life require a lot of it. One report from the 2013 Annual Energy Outlook estimated that computers and related equipment accounted for 3% of the United States’ energy consumption. In the search to maximize energy efficiency, many companies are looking into ways […]
Data center network racks and enclosure cabinets provide a physical infrastructure for mounting mission-critical electrical equipment. Whether you use them to hold servers, switches, A/V equipment, routers or UPS systems, server racks and enclosures provide organization, optimized airflow and support for wires and cables. Two main types of IT racks you’ll find in data centers […]
Raised floors have been common features of data centers for decades. Although some data centers now use hard floors and overhead cable trays, raised floor systems remain popular because their perforated tiles and elevated design — which can range from several inches to several feet above concrete — allow for efficient cooling and cable management. […]
Layer 1 infrastructure is made up of cables, antennas, pins, hubs, repeaters, network adapters, voltages, host bus adapters and other physical and hardware necessities, and it provides a means of transport for raw data. As a result, it’s often the first thing networking professionals check when troubleshooting issues — data cannot proceed through the other […]
For companies that deal with sensitive information on a daily basis, having a reliable data and workflow management system is essential. In the past, many companies relied on independent or on-premises data centers to keep their information safe. But this approach could still leave companies vulnerable to risks like outside attacks, security breaches, outages and […]
Security breaches affect billions of people every year — data breaches and cyberattacks impacted 765 million people in three months of 2018 alone. Along with the life-changing personal effects of a data breach for consumers, companies targeted by attackers stand to lose valuable business data, revenue and public confidence. As a result, all organizations need to know […]
Data security is a significant concern in today’s technology climate. Now more than ever, people and companies are taking extra measures to protect their sensitive data. From cloud networks to physical data centers, there are plenty of options for any business. Seeking reliable protection is essential to keeping your information security risks low and your […]
Moving a data center is something that many businesses decide to do at one point or another. A company might want to move the data center to a more dedicated or secure location or might undergo a merger or acquisition that requires consolidation of data centers. Whatever the reason, moving a data center is a […]
Everything a data center does relies on access to a steady power supply. Unfortunately, a single connection to the local electric grid may not be adequate to power this vital, yet sensitive technology. The voltages provided by your utility company can vary widely — too much voltage can lead to hardware damage and data loss, […]
Data can be stored in a several different proprietary and non-proprietary formats. For the everyday user, the specific data format may not be a concern. But people who manage data centers constantly encounter questions about format. Data center operators need to consider whether their data is in a usable format — and if it’s not, […]